Jacob Kersey, a 19-year-old police officer in Port Wentworth, Georgia was put on administrative leave on January 4 and investigated by his supervisors for posting the following comment on his Facebook page: “God designed marriage. Marriage refers to Christ and the church. That’s why there is no such thing as homosexual marriage.”
The three statements contained in the post are Christianity 101 truths, based on the clear teachings of the Bible about marriage (Genesis 2:24), God’s creation of mankind as “male and female” (Genesis 1:27), and the connection between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:31-32).
But the post ultimately cost Officer Kersey his job. How did it happen?
Kersey’s supervisors at the police department received an anonymous “tip” about his January 2 post and confronted him about it.
How did he react to being questioned about the post by those in command?
In an email to the Daily Citizen, Kersey explained, “I was in complete disbelief but I immediately knew that I had to stand for the Word of God. I believe that was the Holy Spirit enabling me to make a Christ-glorying, God-honoring decision in the moment even if I did not understand what it would mean for my career.” |