Dear friend,
Since thousands of individuals were released from federal prison to home confinement under the CARES Act, there has been uncertainty over whether they'd be forced to return to prison. I'm happy to report that these individuals will NOT be sent back!
We were concerned when President Joe Biden announced that the COVID-19 emergency declaration would end this coming May, that this would include the end of home confinement for individuals sent home under CARES. However, I was assured by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Bureau of Prisons (BOP) that they have no intention of bringing anyone on CARES Act home confinement back to prison when the emergency ends. This is true regardless of how much time someone has left to serve at home.
This is a huge victory! It marks the culmination of all the hard work with FAMM's #KeepThemHome campaign. The campaign started as a pushback to the DOJ's original plan to send everyone back. Our pushback led to the DOJ saying maybe some would go back, and our continued perseverance means that now, no one will go back.
When I talk about our collective pushback, that includes you, friends, and all the advocates we're proud to call FAMMily. Your calls, letters, shared posts, and persistence helped ensure thousands of scared and worried individuals that they'll be able to stay home where they belong.
Thank you for your advocacy! Together we can bring true justice reform to our nation's prison system.

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM
P.S. Our work is also possible thanks to your donations. Please consider making a special gift to FAMM today: