The Man Who Wants 'Cities to Fall Apart'?
by Lawrence Kadish • February 3, 2023 at 9:00 am

According to published reports, George Soros is teaching college courses these days to thousands of students.
To be clear, he is not actually on campuses in front of the class. Rather, exhaustive investigations by journalists reveal how his reach, influence, and above all, money, is resetting curriculum to reflect his political ideology wherever and whenever he can.
Investigative author Matt Palumbo wrote in the New York Post last month:
"In 2020 alone, Soros' Open Society Foundations budgeted more than $63 million, or just over 5% of its budget, toward influencing higher education here and abroad....
"More than 19 colleges had individually received at least $1 million from Soros, including Harvard University, Columbia University, Indiana University, and Georgetown University, among others."