Although the news cycle may have moved on from Donald Trump's human rights tragedy at our southern border, the nightmare continues unabated for the families in custody.

The Washington Post recently reported that three children died of the flu in federal custody at the southern border.

So how did the Trump administration respond when a group of doctors wanted to make sure the remaining children were properly vaccinated against the flu?

They turned the doctors away.

I wish it weren't the case, but that's exactly what's happening.

We've identified a group of nonprofits that are providing legal and humanitarian aid to migrant communities, and working overtime on the ground to protect human rights from Trump's aggression. Donate today to support the critical, life-saving aid work being done at our border.

It's an obscene human rights violation. This administration detains the children of migrants and asylum-seekers, denies them medical treatment, and turns the other way as they get sick and die.

The Trump administration manufactured this crisis and is doing everything it can to make things worse.

While I'm fighting hard in Washington D.C. for just, humane immigration policies, our movement also needs to stand with the doctors and humanitarians who are trying to make a difference on the ground.

Donate today and let's support care for those who need it at our southern border.


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