Hello, John!

I'm writing you from the State Capitol to let you know that the Minnesota Senate just passed the 100% clean electricity bill, putting Minnesota back on the map as a clean energy and climate leader in the United States. The bill now heads to the desk of Governor Tim Walz to be signed into law. People from all corners of the state spoke up in support of 100% and helped make this effort a success. This is a big deal and a truly historic moment as we build a clean energy future together. Will you send your senator a note to say thanks?

Minnesotans want clean, reliable electricity and the 100% clean electricity bill will deliver just that. In the words of Fresh Energy's Allen Gleckner, "Clean power generation is the foundation of a carbon-neutral economy and with this law and new federal clean energy incentives, Minnesota's utilities have the opportunity to soar higher and faster on clean energy progress."

Let's talk about the 100% bill! The Fresh Energy team is so excited to talk about 100% and what it means for Minnesota. Join us for a webinar this Monday, February 6 at 1:30 p.m. to unpack what the bill entails and its journey through the Minnesota Legislature—we will also be taking your questions. Register here. (All registrants will receive a link to the recording after the webinar.)

Fresh Energy applauds bill authors Senator Nick Frentz and House Majority Leader Jamie Long, and members of the Minnesota House and Senate who voted 'yes' to pass the 100% clean electricity bill. We also give our sincere thanks to the Minnesota utilities, our partners in labor, energy and climate advocates, and all Minnesotans who helped make this bill a reality. 

Tonight, we saw Minnesota history in the making! 

Michael Noble
Executive Director

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