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09/29/2022 04:43 PM EDT
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 29, 2022
**CareerCenter October Hiring Events and Services** MAINE - Are you a job seeker not sure what the next step in your career is, or an employer looking to expand your workforce? The Maine Department of Labor's CareerCenters, together with their partners, offer many services to help people find employment or upgrade skills, and help employers find qualified workers. Services are available virtually via the CareerCenter at 207-623-7981 or Maine Relay 11, through https://www.mainecareercenter.gov/" target="_blank">LiveChat , or email MaineDOL.CareerCenter@maine.gov. If you'd prefer to access services and information in-person at one of our CareerCenters, call the CareerCenter hotline to schedule an appointment or visit the https://www.mainecareercenter.gov/locations/" target="_blank">CareerCenter location website to see when staff are on-site near you. **Are you over the age of 55 and looking for work?** Join presenters Sarah Overlock, Goodwill Workforce Solutions, and Allie Novicki, Senior Community Service Employment Program, for a virtual workshop on October 13 from 1-2 p.m.! Does it sometimes seem like your age or experience is working against you in your job search? It's true that some employers may have reservations, but many see that hiring and retaining older workers will be key to staying competitive. Whether exploring a new career or searching for a job, this presentation will provide tips and suggestions to overcome bias and promote confidence in re-entering the workforce. To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/searching-for-work-age-55-with-or-without-health-physical-restriction-tickets-271209273237?aff=ebdsoporgprofile **Are you interested in a career in healthcare, or looking to upgrade your skills?** Visit https://www.maine.gov/healthcaretrainingforme/ for information on healthcare training opportunities. **Come to a Caring For ME campaign hiring event - https://caringforme.org/ !** Learn more about the various career opportunities in Maine's direct care & behavioral health fields--with opportunities to start today, earn-while-you-learn and advance in your career: - Oct 4: Virtual State-Wide Caring for ME Hiring Event. https://mainestate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUudeugqDMtH92jw38w0iIDYgVITAXSsmGm#/" target="_blank">Registration link - Oct 12: South Portland Caring for ME Hiring Event. https://caringforme.org/events/greater-portland-caring-for-me-hiring-event/" target="_blank">Registration link These in-person & virtual hiring events will feature employers & training providers, have Caring For ME special swag and interactive activities to meet those working in the field today. Find out more by checking out the event pages above. We hope you will join us and bring your friends, family members or colleagues that might be interested in learning more about the career opportunities in Maines direct care & behavioral health fields! **We know that the opioid crisis has affected many lives and communities. Do you want to be part of the solution?** MainesConnecting with OpportunitiesInitiative provides one-on-one career guidance, employment-based case management, and financial assistance to unemployed individuals impacted by opioid use disorder. It also assists out-of-work individuals who would like to enter career fields focused on substance use disorder and recovery. More information: https://www.maine.gov/labor/bes/coi/ **Let us help you find the perfect match:**Jobseekers have unique priorities to consider like flexible hours, distance from home or childcare, work environment, unique benefits- and businesses are responding! The Customized Connections Program is a one-on-one service for everyone, no matter where you are in your career. Tell us what youre looking for in your job search or next step on your career pathway in this 3-minute survey and let us help you make the match! CareerCenter staff will reach out to respondents by phone or email within about 48 hours to get started: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=q6g_QX0gYkubzeoajy-GTo2tKVHytLtNjAaolN0eV1pUNEo5MldMVDhER1FRMFNHNVpJVjlRN0JCQy4u **To explore additional opportunities and meet with employers, visit one of our upcoming hiring events:** - October 1, 2022 from 9 - 11:30 a.m. at Sanford Community Adult Education, Willard Building, 668 Main Street Sanford - Find a seasonal, full or permanent part time position in retail, hospitality, school services, and more. - October 5, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Portland CareerCenter - October 6, 2022 from 2 - 3:30 p.m. at the Springvale CareerCenter - October 13, 2022 from 1 - 4 p.m. - Virtual Hire-A-Vet Campaign statewide event. Registration is required for both employers and job seekers - https://www.mainecareercenter.com/locations/jobfair.shtml?id=8666154 - October 13, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Eastern Maine Community College, Johnston Gym & Fitness Center, 354 Hogan Rd, Bangor Fall Career Fair hosted by MDOLs Tri-County CareerCenter in collaboration with Eastern Maine Community College, and Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC). - October 18, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tri-County CareerCenter in Bangor Community Health and Counseling Services - October 19, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Lewiston CareerCenter - And more are added all the time! More information about these hiring events can be found by clicking on the event at https://www.mainecareercenter.com/employment/hiringevents/ **The following services and programs are available at no cost to the public:** - **Career Directions** - Explores your career interests, aptitudes, values, personality, motivation and how each transfer to todays job market. - **Resume & Cover Letter Writing** Covers the basics of how to evaluate or create an effective resume and cover letter. - **Effective Interviewing Skills** Dedicated to exploring proper interviewing techniques and tips. - **Job Search Essentials** - This workshop is intended to orient job seekers with the digital tools that have risen in importance - **The Career Exploration Workshop** An extensive and informative three-day workshop offered to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) clients to explore a variety of career paths and research the required skills needed for those careers. Registration through Vocational Rehabilitation is required. Please call (207) 753-9000 for more information. - **Navigating Hiring Process for Individuals with a Criminal History** - Navigating Job Search and Hiring Process for Individuals with a Criminal History - **And MORE!** You can get more information and register for workshops by clicking on them here: https://www.mainecareercenter.com/employment/workshops.shtml Each of the centers across the state provides public computers with internet access, Microsoft Office, resume/cover letter writing software, and O*Net - https://www.onetonline.org/software for personal skills assessment.Employers can list their open positions on Maine JobLink and use our online system which matches jobs with candidates. All CareerCenter services are provided at no charge to employers and job seekers. Veterans and eligible spouses receive priority of service in all Department of Labor programs. |