Much to do for citizen advocates - stay engaged!
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Dear TTP Citizen Advocates:

Next week starts week 5 of the 88th Session.  Here's what TTP Citizen Advocates will be doing in the coming weeks:

February 7th (since we cancelled Jan 31 because of weather, we'll just switch the plan to Feb 7th)

Mini Citizen Advocate Training 10 am to Noon.  Meet up in Conference Room E1.022 for some Citizen Advocate Training, including How to Read a Bill by Fran Rhodes, TTP and Effective Tips for Doing Office Visits by Matt Long, Fredericksburg TP.

Visits to lawmakers offices 1:00 to 4:00.  Put what you learn from Matt in the morning, to work in the afternoon, as we make visits to lawmakers' offices. 

**The Huffines Liberty Foundation has developed a plan for tax relief and we have been asked to deliver the papers to all 181 lawmakers.  This is what we will be doing on Tuesday Feb 7th in the afternoon. In addition to the tax plans, Terri Hall with TURF has a policy paper that she needs help delivering.  Terri is our Transportation guru and champion, so we're glad to help both of these Patriot groups get their message out.

Please join us as we visit every single lawmaker's officeWe'll need lots of hands (and feet) for this, so please make this Tuesday a priority if possible.  We will give out room assignments in the conference room after the training, and spend the afternoon delivering the papers.

Need a ride? please just let me know.  Little Red Car and I will be driving down and back for the day so we have 3 seats available from the DFW area.  If there are more than 4 doing from DFW, I'll rent a larger vehicle.  (But don't tell Little Red Car!)  For other areas, we'll help wherever we can with rides.  Remember - if you volunteer to drive a carpool from your area, TTP will reimburse for the gas.

The further we get into the session, the more interesting (and heated) things will become.  We're just getting started, but there is always work to be done.  Think about joining us whenever you can.


I've been preaching for years for school boards to withdraw from TASB.  TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) is a taxpayer funded lobbying group that many districts depend on for guidance on just about everything.  They also use our tax dollars (paid to them through dues) to lobby against the interests of the taxpayer.  (especially on property tax issues).

Now, thriteen Texas House members, led by Representative Brian Harrison,  have signed a letter to every school board in the state, urging them to leave TASB because of their recommended transgender bathroom policies.  There are a lot of reasons to withdraw from TASB, this is just the latest.  Please contact these House members and thank them for standing up for what is right.  Then contact your local ISD Trustees and demand that they withdraw from TASB, and stop using our tax dollars against us.

Brian Harrison, 512-463-0516
Terri Wilson Terri Leo-Wilson, 512-463-0502
Briscoe Cain, 512-463-0733
Mark Dorazio, 512-463-0646
Richard Hayes, 512-463-0556
Matt Schaefer, 512-463-0584
Nate Schatzline, 512-463-0562
Bryan Slaton, 512-463-0880
Tony Tinderholt, 512-463-0624
Carrrie Isaac , 512-463-0325
Steve Toth, 512-463-0797
Cody Vasut, 512-463-0564
Valoree Swanson, 512-463-0572
You can send written mail to any House Rep at:
PO Box 2910, Austin, TX 78768
Generic email addresses are:   [email protected]

(if you have personal emails or cell #s - those are the best!)

Thank you for all you do, and God Bless Texas!

Fran Rhodes, President


TTP, with Fredericksburg Tea Party will have people at the Capitol every Tuesday!  Pick a Tuesday and plan to be with us to advocate for our bills, testify at hearings, learn more about the process and how to be effective, and be a part of the legislative action.  I'm always asked to give more notice for these events - so here is your notice through May 31, 2023!  Every Tuesday!  We'll be there other days too as needed, and I cannot give good notice of those because we never know until a day or two ahead.   So - keep an eye out for your Citizen Advocate messages, and think fast!

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