As we keep working to ensure a bright future for everyone in Michigan, I want to take a moment and celebrate two years of our Michigan Reconnect program. This program is one example of the steps we are taking to make Michigan the answer for young people choosing where to build their lives. I am dedicated to making sure you have access to a great education and the promise of a good-paying job, right here in our great state.?
 Last week during my State of the State address, I proposed lowering the age for qualified applicants for the Michigan ReconnectReconnect?s tuition-free pathway opens up new opportunities that lead to rewarding careers and bigger paychecks for Michiganders. This program pays the cost of in-district tuition for eligible adults at public community colleges across the state, including its three T colleges.?
Since the program?s launch in February 2021, more than 112,000 state residents have applied for the program with over 24,000 scholarship participants currently enrolled and over 2,000 receiving a degree or skills certificate.? Let?s work to expand this program and grow hose numbers!?
Michigan Reconnect is one of the tools we?ve created to achieve our Sixty by 30 of increasing the percentage of adults in the state with a college degree or credential by 2030. It is the largest effort in state history to ensure that Michiganders who are 25 or older and do not have a college degree have the opportunity to earn an associate degree or skills certificate tuition-free.?
That is why I proclaimed this month as Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. CTE programs support our state?s businesses by preparing the talent they need to fill jobs and grow our economy. Let?s continue creating paths for people to get the skills they need to build a bright future in Michigan including CTE, Michigan Reconnect, and the Michigan Achievement Scholarship.?
Whether you are a recent high-school graduate or an older Michigander who wants to go back to school, you deserve a pathway to higher education without breaking the bank. I will work with anyone to ensure Michigan is a place where you can invest in your future by getting an education and a good-paying job. Together, we can move Michigan forward.