At the dawn of the Year of the Rabbit and Black Futures month, we are reflecting on the life affirming teachings of those who ask us to nurture a deep, multidimensional love as the foundation of liberation work. In these turbulent times of ongoing violence and confusion, we hold steadfast the work of Charity Hicks, a beloved Detroiter, water warrior, activist, healer, and ancestor, who urged us to "wage love" and build lives "rich in relationships.” We will cultivate multidimensional love that transcends space and time, that heals us seven generations forward and back.
Wage Love acknowledges that rage is what ignites us but love is what sustains us. We will wage multidimensional love, for ourselves and one another, that carries us through the seemingly insurmountable chasms. We will remember that abolition is a love practice, one that asks us to center love in our imaginations as we create more humane systems for ourselves, our kin, and the planet. We will forge our way forward towards a just future, with unrelenting multidimensional love as our guide.
Follow along this month for our multidimensional love series as we highlight the musings of our AMP community and treasured elders of liberation to embody the world we know is possible.
