You're invited! Join the Chamber for our 3rd Annual AWE Women in Business Summit, a professional development and networking event designed for women entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals eager to grow their business or enhance their career.
This event will bring together a diverse group of women to create a community dedicated to helping and supporting one another as we challenge traditional barriers that women in business face. Featuring keynote Chase Purpose, Not Profits to Build a Thriving Culture from Shaara Roman, Founder & CEO, The Silverene Group, panel discussions and presentations from experienced leaders, this summit will provide education, inspiration, and connections to foster your success and help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
Registration closes Thursday, March 9. The first 100 registrants will get a copy of Shaara Roman's book and the first 25 will get a personalized copy.
The following sponsorship opportunities are available for this event:
Premier Sponsorship at $1,000:
Company's name featured in marketing materials, including invitation, the Arlingtonian, and on the Chamber's website
- Opportunity to have a marketing table
- Registration for (2) to attend
Patron Sponsorship at $350:
Company's name featured in marketing materials, including invitation, the Arlingtonian, and on the Chamber's website
- Registration for (1) to attend
Members interested in table space in the Marketplace at the event, but not in attending the sessions may purchase a Marketplace Table. The Marketplace will be open throughout the day and provides an opportunity to promote your business or product to attendees.
Marketplace Table at $500:
- Opportunity to have a marketing table at the event
- Does not include a ticket to the sessions