![]() Patriot, Have you seen the price of eggs lately? It’s enough to make one start a backyard chicken farm. . . But ask any chicken farmer, and he’ll tell you the price of feed is going through the roof, too! Every day, we see the prices rising . . . and rising . . . and rising again. We’ve seen it throughout our lives, but until recently, it was slow enough that you had to look back over the years to see it clearly. ![]() Prices have come a long way since these days! (Yes, that’s me) Now, however, inflation is going up constantly. By the week, in some cases. I feel it every time I walk through a grocery store. Don’t you? It’s everywhere now. It’s at the gas station. The hardware store. Even the barber shop. Inflation might be a hidden tax, but it’s not so hidden anymore. It’s the tax nobody escapes. It takes it all: it takes from your paycheck; it takes from your savings; it takes from your investments. You’ve saved money all your life, only to have its value plundered by the legalized counterfeiting operation that is the Federal Reserve. That is what printing money is, and inflation is what it creates. And even that – all of that, the plundering of the value of the dollar – is just one part of the what the Fed has done to us. Just yesterday, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell had the audacity to say Congress needs to raise the debt ceiling because there is nothing he can do. "There's only one way forward here and that's for Congress to raise the debt ceiling so that the
United States can pay all of its obligations when due.” -Fed Chairman Jerome Powell on Wednesday, February 1. ![]() The Fed has destroyed our economy and enabled Congress to spend, spend, spend, and Powell simply tried to turn the tables on Congress. By controlling the interest rates, the Fed manipulates the economy, postponing today's crises for worse tomorrow . . . thus also manipulating the political environment. And they do it all in secret, protected even from congressional oversight. Just imagine how much worse it would be if lawmakers were able to not just write, but pass bills in secret. . . And never had to answer to the American people? What if every time you and I demanded to know how our tax dollars were spent, we were told to simply "mind our own business?" In other words, what if Congress was able to operate just like the Federal Reserve? We have seen the results of allowing the Fed to operate behind closed doors, and it's time for this madness to end – before it's too late. That's why, in every congressional term since my retirement, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, my bill to Audit the Fed, has been re-introduced. And yet, despite auditing the Fed being a Republican Party platform issue since 2012 . . . despite the bill passing the House with overwhelming majorities when it was put to a vote in past terms . . . we still need to fight every step of the way to pass this bill whose time has come into law. ![]() Every single day we are adding more cosponsors because we are sending in your petitions, calling Congressional
offices, and sending emails and faxes.
Next week, Campaign for Liberty staff will be on Capitol Hill visiting individual offices of those representatives who have not yet agreed to co-sponsor Audit the Fed. But we need to keep the momentum going – we have many more to go! Remember, not only is our battle to Audit the Fed an important one in itself – the Fed needs to be held accountable for the trillions it creates for secret political purposes – but keeping the Fed on defense also helps us hold the line against a Central Bank Digital Currency. If you haven’t already done so, demand your Congressman Audit the Fed! And be sure to share the petition on social media and send the link to your family and friends. ![]() The good news is, with this new Congress, we can build momentum more quickly than in recent years. Your signed petition is absolutely critical to our efforts to pass Audit the Fed. But I hope you won’t stop there. Please share this message with everyone you know . . . friends, family, and business associates. Ask them all to sign the petition. Then, if possible, I hope you’ll pitch in with a contribution to help Campaign for Liberty generate the type of massive grassroots uprising that politicians can’t ignore. This project takes time, resources, and money. After you sign your Audit the Fed petition, can you make a generous donation of $100, $50, or $25? I know a lot’s been asked of Campaign for Liberty supporters like you lately. But the impact of even a modest contribution of $10 today will make a difference. Campaign for Liberty depends on the generosity of good folks like you for everything we do – and it’s times like these that make me most concerned nothing will stop our nation’s slide toward more authoritarianism without it. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty P.S. The Fed’s economic meddling is only leading to prices skyrocketing ever higher. We face the complete destruction of American wealth unless they’re exposed. That’s why Campaign for Liberty is going after the heart of the statists’ and global elites’ power base – the Federal Reserve itself. ![]() So please sign the petition I’ve prepared for you urging your U.S. Representative to cosponsor Audit the Fed. And if possible, please consider pitching in with a generous contribution of $100, $50, or $25 and help spread this message as widely as you can today! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). www.CampaignForLiberty.org |