People with XR flags stand on Westminster bridge with Houses of Parliament in the background. A banner hanging off the bridge reads

Turn back the Doomsday Clock! All out with CND and XR from 21 April?


The Doomsday Clock stands at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to nuclear and climate disaster we have ever been. The war in Ukraine - approaching its first anniversary with no signs of ending - means the threat of nuclear war remains incredibly high. Meanwhile, world militaries are some of the biggest contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions.


We need to keep the pressure on the government to meet its climate promises. That's why CND is supporting Extinction Rebellion's 'The Big One' - a series of protests actions, vigils, and events taking place in central London from 21 April. Getting 100,000 on the streets will show the government how serious we are.?


As part of the XR Peace collective, CND is asking you to join us: to stand up for the planet - and against nuclear war.?


  • From 21 April, outside Houses of Parliament
  • More details to come. Save the date and get the latest news here.?


For other queries please contact [email protected].?

Demilitarise Ecucation with their

Sign the petition: ask universities to invest in peace not war


CND has joined the call to push British universities to demilitarise. That means we want to see universities divest from the arms and nuclear weapons industry, end their research and careers partnerships with arms trade companies, and invest in peaceful, sustainable innovation, not war!


Our friends at Demilitarize Education have officially launched their petition, to demonstrate the growing momentum behind the demilitarisation movement, and to pressure university governors and vice-chancellors to finally break their links to the arms trade. Join us in support and sign now!


You can also endorse the petition on behalf of your group or organisation using this form.

Copyright ? 2023 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.

We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom