
Hi John,

Nominate an outstanding worker justice leader for the 2023 Discount Foundation Legacy Award, and they could have the chance to receive a $20,000 stipend!

This stipend will provide the winner with the flexibility to expand upon their professional activities and achievements in the absence of reporting requirements or other specific obligations. Nominations are due online by March 13, 2023.

The Discount Foundation Legacy Award annually identifies, supports, and celebrates an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and contributed significantly to workers’ rights movements in the United States and/or globally. Through public recognition and a $20,000 stipend, we hope to recognize and amplify the work of individuals at the intersections leading the way toward justice for low-wage workers of color. This is a one of a kind opportunity to recognize the often unheard voices of worker movements — that includes volunteers, members, workplace leaders, and more who are transforming the lives and rights of their fellow low-wage workers of color.

If you know anyone who you think should be recognized for their significant commitment to worker justice at any level — from a workplace to the neighborhood to the nation — this is your chance to provide them a powerful boost and real resources they can use in whatever way they choose!

Questions? Visit our FAQs or contact Neda Said at [email protected].