little girl moving a pot on the stove

Did you know that next week is National Burn Awareness Week? Learn about burn prevention everywhere in your home, from bathrooms to fireplaces, in this video from Children's National Hospital.

two kids beside a fireplace

How to protect children around fireplaces

With temperatures plummeting during the winter, many families around the country will use fireplaces to help heat their homes. While fireplaces, whether wood-burning, gas or electric, can be a source of warmth in a home, they also pose a potential safety risk to children.
Fire exit sign

What to do when there's a fire

Do you know what to do when there’s a fire? Or when to Stop, Drop and Roll versus when to Stay Low and Go? The Division of Trauma and Burn Surgery at Children's National has made a video that covers everything you and your family need to know about fire safety.

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