CCL chats electrification with Rewiring America
In the latest Big Tent Climate Talk, CCLers got a chance to glimpse into the future of building electrification. CCL’s Manager of Stakeholder Engagement and Government Affairs, Kyle Kammien, talked with Dr. Luis Aguirre-Torres, the Senior Advisor at Rewiring America, about shifting toward cleaner energy alternatives. This discussion comes on the heels of CCL unveiling our new areas of policy focus, one of which is building electrification and efficiency. Kyle explains, "Now that we have expanded our focus, we need to lean on trusted partners who are as focused on those policies as we have been on carbon pricing and carbon fee and dividend.” “I really believe that the reach [Citizens’ Climate Lobby] has, combined with the tools and the mission of Rewiring America — we can make a wonderful partnership,” Dr. Aguirre-Torres says. “The idea is to help the entire country electrify homes, businesses, communities, cars, everything.” Dr. Aguirre-Torres says this exciting work is already underway, supported by last year’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. Watch the recording below so you’re ready to jump in and help advocate for electrification.
In other news this week:
- How to make carbon pricing more popular: If carbon pricing is worth doing, and experience proves it’s possible, how can we raise the odds of implementing it? Here’s how, from CCL Research Coordinator Jonathan Marshall.
- Presentations are crucial for expansion and outreach: As CCL sets out to expand our volunteer base, a crucial tool for outreach and recruitment volunteers can use is presentations.
- The science behind climate change: What’s the basic science behind global warming? CCL Research Coordinator Rick Knight breaks down the science.
- Meanwhile, on Nerd Corner: A divided Congress might dissuade lots of activists, but not us! Jonathan Marshall shares how to cut through partisanship to rescue climate policy on Nerd Corner.