From Team AOC <[email protected]>
Subject Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Paul Gosar
Date February 1, 2023 11:09 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

It’s official: Alexandria was elected to serve as second-in-command to
Ranking Member Jamie Raskin on the House Oversight Committee!

Alexandria has served on House Oversight since 2019, pressuring defense
contractors to return misused public funds and Big Pharma to lower
prescription costs, among other big wins.

[ [link removed] ]This term, Alexandria will go head to head with far-right Republicans
newly appointed to the Oversight Committee — Marjorie Taylor Greene,
Lauren Boebert, and Paul Gosar, to name a few. Can you help us support
Alexandria’s fight by chipping in $3 today?

[ [link removed] ]Contribute $3

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

Republicans have already announced their plan to use the Oversight
Committee to launch bogus investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop and
spread conspiracy theories around the pandemic. Alexandria and Rep. Raskin
are going to have their hands full rebutting these dangerous distractions,
but we know they’re ready for the fight.

[ [link removed] ]If you’re able to, please chip in $3 or any amount to
let Alexandria know that you agree: the Oversight Committee must continue
to hold the government accountable to everyday people, not a far-right

We congratulate Alexandria on her post, and look forward to sharing
updates with you on her work in the Oversight Committee!

In solidarity,

Team AOC


This email was sent to [email protected]. Email is the most important way we keep in touch with people like you, so thank you for reading to the end. Small donors like you keep us going. To contribute via check, please address to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress, PO Box 680080, Corona, NY 11368.

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