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** Editor’s Note: What We Do with What We’ve Got
Anti-democratic forces are strong in the United States and beyond—but people committed to progressive change are stronger.
by David Boddiger ([link removed])
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** The Long Road to #StoptheShock
For two decades, a Massachusetts school has been under fire for torturing disabled students with shock devices. Now, activist efforts to end the practice may soon pay off.
by Meg Hartley ([link removed])
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** Running a Charter School for Profit Should Be Illegal
The charter industry downplays the prevalence of charter schools being run for profit because the mission of for-profit companies is to maximize profits, not education.
by Carol Burris ([link removed])
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** 2023 Could be ‘The Year’ the FTC Takes on Big Tech
With a Democratic shift, the Federal Trade Commission is finally in a position to tackle the Internet monopolies it helped create.
by David Rosen ([link removed])
** The Progressive Presents: Frank Emspak Book Talk
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Please join us for an online book discussion with Frank Emspak on his new memoir Troublemaker: Saying No to Power, ([link removed]) on Thursday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.
The event will include panelists Steve Early (free-lance journalist and the author or co-author of five books about labor, politics, or veterans issues), Alice Herman (labor reporter whose work has appeared in The Progressive, In These Times, and other outlets), and Norman Stockwell (former Board member of Workers Independent News and publisher of The Progressive magazine), along with questions from the audience.
Streaming at:
Via Facebook Live ([link removed])
Via YouTube Live ([link removed])
You can join the conversation on Zoom ([link removed]) .
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