CONTACT: Jessica Proud | [email protected]

Statement from NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy on Governor Hochul's Budget Proposal

February 1, 2023

"At first glance, Kathy Hochul’s first budget as elected governor is a complete and unmitigated disaster for hardworking families. Hochul’s budget puts all New Yorkers on the hook to pay for President Biden’s failure to fix the border, increases taxes by $1.6 billion on businesses, shifts a billion dollars of Medicaid costs to county taxpayers, and shockingly fails to use all the tools at her disposal as governor to make the changes to our broken criminal justice system that would make New Yorkers safer. 

"This budget is merely a continuation of the tax-and-spend policies that are driving New Yorkers from this state in record numbers. Each year the state takes more and more from a dwindling number of taxpayers and redistributes to others in an effort to paper over the broken criminal justice, labor, and energy policies that are destroying the Empire State. Despite all the new taxes and spending in this budget, this baseline budget will only get worse with an out-of-control state legislature that is hell-bent on enacting socialist policies that will bankrupt New York."
