We found HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to pay for big moral priorities like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal—by slashing the military budget.




The last thing we need is another war.

As Trump continues down the warpath, we must make sure our elected officials keep saying no to war with Iran.

On January 2, 2020, under orders from Donald Trump, the Pentagon carried out the airstrike assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s paramilitary forces, and one of the top three figures in the Iranian government. Trump’s unfavorable, reckless actions against Iran have resulted in U.S. and global demonstrations against impending war.

Sign and send the petition to your Senator:
Speak up and demand Congress deescalate Trump's conflict with Iran.

It’s time for our federal lawmakers to take a stance against an impending war with Iran.

Fortunately, just last week, the House of Representatives voted 224-194 for a war powers resolution to prevent the president from stepping closer to war with Iran.

Next it's the Senate's turn. We need our senators to carry the baton and vote YES on the resolution. 

After decades of war in the Middle East and hundreds of thousands of Afghan, Iraqi, and American lives lost, it's time to end all our wars  we definitely can't afford another forever war.

Sign and send the petition if you agree: No U.S.-Iran war!

Now more than ever, movements matter. We need to build a strong anti-war movement that's powerful enough to resist a U.S. military machine that’s moving like a runaway train.

Together, we can build the better world we deserve.

In solidarity,
Lindsay, Ashik, and the NPP team at IPS

P.S. NPP runs on readers like you. Chip in $3 today to support our work!
National Priorities Project, 351 Pleasant Street, Suite B #442, Northampton, MA 01060, United States
NPP is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies.