News from ​Congresswoman Kathy Manning



Thank you for subscribing to my Congressional newsletter. It is my pleasure to represent you in Congress. Read on for more information about the work my team and I are doing for you in Washington, D.C. and in North Carolina's Sixth Congressional District. 



Kathy Manning
Member of Congress

NC-06 Visits 

Steelhouse Center for Urban Manufacturing and Innovation
Congresswoman Manning secured $2 million in federal funding for the Nussbaum Center for Innovation's Steelhouse Center for Urban Manufacturing and Innovation through Community Funding Projects. She visited the Steelhouse to tour the space and learn more about how the funding will help with project completion.
The federal funding Congresswoman Manning secured will support their project to revitalize the historic Carolina Steelhouse, providing local manufacturers and entrepreneurs scalable workspace and creating an estimated 600 jobs. 
Triad Semiconductor
Last year, Congresswoman Manning helped pass the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, which President Biden recently signed into law. During a visit to Triad Semiconductor this month, Congresswoman Manning discussed how the CHIPS Act will bolster their work and empower chip manufacturers in the Triad to ramp up production and create good-paying jobs. 
Rotary Club of Greensboro
Congresswoman Manning spoke at the Rotary Club of Greensboro and shared her work in Congress.

There, she provided an update on her work in Congress to support small businesses and spur economic development in the Triad and across the country. 
Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service
Congresswoman Manning joined St. James Presbyterian Church's service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

At the service, Congresswoman Manning shared a message about the importance of Dr. King's legacy and serving the community. 

NC-06 Community Funding Projects in Action

Congresswoman Manning secured $25.6 million in federal funding for 15 Community Funding Projects across North Carolina's Sixth District. To read more about the Community Funding Project Process, click here. 

United Way of Greater Greensboro 

Congresswoman Manning secured federal funding for the United Way of Greater Greensboro to implement job training programs and career services. 

Below, the organization's CEO and President thanks Congresswoman Manning for her work to secure $2.2 million to support their work. 


Guilford County Schools Learning Hub Expansion Project

Congresswoman Manning secured $2.5 million in federal funding for Guilford County Schools to implement learning hubs at middle schools. These hubs will help students catch up from learning loss and provide them with additional academic and social-emotional support. 

"This funding will provide younger students more opportunities to accelerate learning and will help prioritize academic recovery following two years of interrupted instruction," Superintendent Dr. Whitney Oakley said. 

READ more about the project here

Winston-Salem Runneymede Park 

Winston-Salem’s Runnymede Park waterways are threatened by erosion and outdated infrastructure, leaving them in serious need of repairs.

Congresswoman Manning secured $2.42 million to repair these important waterways. 

READ more about the importance of this project here

News from Washington D.C.

Manning Votes Against Bill That Would Increase Prices at the Pump, Offers Amendment to Encourage Use of Existing Drilling Permits 

Congresswoman Manning voted against H.R. 21, a bill designed to restrict the Department of Energy’s (DOE) ability to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Last year, President Biden successfully lowered the price of gas by an average of $1.69 per gallon from its peak in June 2022 by releasing oil from the SPR.

Currently, the fossil fuel industry holds more than 2,000 active leases that cover 12 million acres of federal waters, 75 percent of which aren’t being used. 

Congresswoman Manning introduced an amendment that would prevent additional leases for drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf and encourage use of existing permits to further American energy independence. 

Watch Congresswoman Manning speak about the importance of her amendment below. 

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Protecting Women's Freedoms and Health 

Congresswoman Manning voted NO on H.R. 26, an anti-abortion bill that adds unnecessary restrictions to existing laws, misleads the public, and vilifies parents who are faced with the most personal and devastating of family decisions.

WATCH Congresswoman Manning speak on the House floor in opposition to H.R. 26 below. 

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The COVER Now Act: Closing the Health Care Coverage Gap 

Congresswoman Manning co-led reintroduction of the COVER Now Act, legislation to help close the health care coverage gap by allowing city and county governments to contract directly with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) to expand Medicaid coverage for their residents. 

North Carolina's state legislature continues to block Medicaid expansion, making North Carolina one of only 11 states to refuse expansion, and leaving upwards of 450,000 North Carolinians without health care coverage.  

Manning Voted No on Harmful Bill to Protect High-Wealth Tax Cheats & Delay Tax Refunds

Congresswoman Manning voted against H.R. 23, legislation introduced by House Republicans that protects high-wealth tax cheats and slows down tax refunds for working families by eliminating funding for improved Internal Revenue Service customer service allocated through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Find Congresswoman Manning's statement on this legislation here

Honoring Annie Brown Kennedy

Congresswoman Manning spoke on the House floor to honor the late Annie Brown Kennedy, a local Forsyth County lawyer who made history fighting for civil rights. 

Watch her speech below. 

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Constituent Services

Congresswoman Manning's Constituent Services Liaisons can assist you with troubles you may have regarding federal agencies. 

Cases Congresswoman Manning's local office handles include but are not limited to: 

  • Help receiving medical care at the VA
  • Immigration services
  • Passports
  • IRS Inquiries and concerns

If you are requiring help from the District Office, please contact them at (336) 333-5005, or submit a casework claim here.


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