Welcome to the first STOP THE TRAFFIK Group newsletter of 2023.

As we reach the end of #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth, it’s fitting to spend a short time looking back at 2022 - and looking forward with anticipation to the year ahead.

Read our 21/22 Group Impact Report

In 2022, we made huge forward progress in our mission to prevent human trafficking around the world. With your help, we disrupted and degraded trafficking routes and hotspots globally, running prevention programmes in Ukraine, Türkiye, Greece, Qatar, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom. Many of these campaigns are either still running or moving into their next phase.

We worked with data-sharing partners, such as the Metropolitan Police, The Clewer Initiative, Azadi Kenya and Chab Dai, to create an even richer picture of traffickers’ movements.

We collaborated with businesses and financial institutions, because we know that business-led coordination actions create safer communities.

Our intelligence team, comprised of former law enforcement specialists,  produced high-level intelligence assessments on the issue of human trafficking and exploitation.

Underpinning all of this is our Traffik Analysis Hub, which is the largest single source of human trafficking data in the world.

By combining these strands, we have created an approach which disrupts the three key elements that traffickers depend on to sustain their business model: recruitment, demand and money. 

In 2023

This year, we will be expanding our campaigns in Ukraine, Qatar, Türkiye, Greece and the UK, issuing a steady stream of intelligence on global trafficking routes and hotspots, helping businesses and financial institutions eradicate modern slavery across their operations and ensuring the Traffik Analysis Hub remains a world-leading source of trafficking data.

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