I wanted to be sure you saw the news, John. In the midst of another Republican assault on our earned benefits, Senator Bernie Sanders is introducing a bill that will strengthen AND expand our Social Security system.
Social Security Works is going all out for this bill. Can you chip in $7 to fight to EXPAND Social Security, never cut it?
Below, Michael has more details about why now is such an important time for legislation like this, and we’re excited to share details once it comes out.
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
Are you sick of playing defense, as Republicans insist that the only way to stave off future Social Security cuts is by making cuts now?
So is Sen. Bernie Sanders. That’s why he, along with co-sponsors Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Jan Schakowsky are introducing the Social Security Expansion Act of 2023 this week. The Expansion Act doesn’t just expand benefits―it maintains Social Security’s surplus more than 75 years into the future.
When enemies of Social Security like Mitt Romney and Rick Scott lie that we “need” to cut Social Security, this bill is the answer. As we defend Social Security from cuts, we will also keep pushing to expand benefits. Donate $7 today!
When Sen. Rick Scott―whose company committed what was the largest Medicare fraud in history at the time―compares Social Security and Medicare to “alcoholism,” the Expansion Act is the answer. Making millionaires and billionaires finally pay their fair share doesn’t just put Social Security on solid footing, it provides additional retirement security at a time when pensions have all but disappeared and when inflation has eaten away private savings. If Republicans like Rick Scott dismiss this solution, it proves that they don’t want to “save” Social Security or Medicare―they want an excuse to destroy it.
We will never let Republicans destroy Social Security and Medicare.. We will fight to make sure that they are expanded, and we won’t let people hide behind their “concerns.” Donate $7 to EXPAND Social Security and Medicare!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works