Episode 143 uploaded January 28: Back by popular demand! Sam Goldman talks with Dr. Thomas Zimmer, historian at Georgetown University and co-host of the podcast Is This Democracy? Subscribe to his Substack at where
you can read his latest commentary: “On the Murder of Tyre Nichols.”
They discuss just a handful of the latest attempts to shore up
traditional hierarchies through aggressive fascist measures in a variety
of arenas including the House of Representatives and state legislatures
around the country, as well as how to understand the Republican Party

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Dr. Thomas Zimmer: They're not just trying to burn the system down. They have a very specific vision and they're fully committed to and once you look beyond the quote unquote chaos in Washington, what you see is the work not of nihilists, but of committed ideologues fully determined to impose their reactionary vision of what America should be on as many people as possible do not have majority support for that reactionary vision that they want to impose on the country. It's a question of whether or not a minority can hold on to power that entirely depends on how far the minority is willing to go to stay in power.
Sam Goldman: Last week on top of DeSantis banning the high school AP course on African American history, book bans have been accelerated to the point that teachers in at least two counties have had to shut down classroom libraries, making un-vetted books, all are un-vetted, inaccessible to students until each book is vetted by media specialists. (that's what they call librarians in the state of Florida), who have been trained in the fascist-approved course, or risk felony prosecution...Now is the time for every educator and educational leader to disobey, to defy, to refuse fascism. The kids are watching. What will we show them?
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