Point-in-time Count helps inform work to combat homelessness
Over 25,000 people experiencing homelessness were reported across Washington in last year's Point-in-Time Count. This? annual census conducted by service providers and volunteers across the country every January documents people living sheltered? - in transitional housing or shelters, for example - and unsheltered. I took part in Spokane's count last Saturday. Watch our video.to learn more about the annual PIT Count.
Ending youth and young adult homelessness is especially challenging. Our Office of Homeless Youth provides funding for programs throughout the state, including incorporating input and guidance from young people with lived experience. Recently, Walla Walla's successful approach was featured in this?Seattle Times story.
Experiencing homelessness is traumatic, especially for people with behavioral health issues. More treatment options are needed in virtually every community across the state. Commerce recently awarded $20.4 million in grants to several projects. One new crisis center in King County was featured in this story on KING TV.
State survey: Housing is the #1 issue for most people
 Housing and homelessness topped a list of 12 issues in a new survey released earlier this month that asked Washington state residents to rank their top two problems facing the state. Commerce partnered with the Puget Sound Regional Council to conduct the 12-county survey in late 2022. Other issues on the list included crime and public safety, traffic and transportation, climate change and healthcare.?Read more
 Raising awareness of human trafficking
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. I was honored to join our Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA) team and partners from Lutheran Community Services Northwest in Spokane to raise awareness and share important information about this complex global problem.
Boosting manufacturing in rural communities
Commerce recently awarded $2.5 million in grants to six projects that will expand the state?s portfolio of project-ready industrial sites and incentivize private investment. With help from this state funding, publicly owned sites become more competitive for business attraction nationally and globally. Read more
Pacific NW Hydrogen Hub bid moves forward
Backed by a letter of encouragement from the US Department of Energy (DOE), the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association (PNWH2) will submit a full application for funding to construct a regional clean hydrogen hub in the Pacific Northwest. PNWH2?s concept paper is one of 33 concept papers given the greenlight to proceed from among 79 submitted to DOE late last year. In the Dec. 27 letter of encouragement, DOE said it expects to review and select six to 10 of the full applications for federal funding estimated at around $1 billion per hub. Read more and visit PNWH2's website to learn more and follow.
ADVANCE 2023: Annual Aerospace Conference comes to Lynwood Feb. 6-9
Washington's aerospace industry is as vibrant as ever, and many of our state's 1400 aerospace companies, industry leaders, over 30 other states, multiple Canadian provinces and over a dozen countries outside of North America will gather for the Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance's annual conference next week. We're pleased to be a leading sponsor.
Watch our short video filmed at last year's conference to hear more from Aerospace Industry Sector Lead Robin Toth and others.
Learn more and register to attend the conference.
Got grants? Funding opportunities open now.
Several Commerce programs opened applications for funding this month:
Clean Energy Fund - Electrification of Transportation System grants - $2.5 million available to?Tribes and rural local governments for procurement, installation, and integration of electric vehicle supply infrastructure and/or hydrogen refueling station infrastructure in rural communities.?Learn more
Clean Energy Fund - Rural Clean Energy Project grants - $4.6 million available for dairy digester bioenergy projects and clean energy research, development and implementation in rural Washington communities, including $921,500 available for Tribal projects.
Learn more
Affordable housing - HOME & National Housing Trust Fund grants - $10.8 million available for eligible multifamily rental projects. Learn more
Solar Plus Storage for Resilient Communities grants - $35.4 million available to local governments, state agencies, Tribal governments or affiliates, retail electric utilities and nonprofit organizations. Learn more
Subscribe?to our "Open Grants, Loans and RFPs" topic list to get email and/or SMS text updates on all open funding opportunities with Commerce.
Congratulations Sarah Fox
Sarah Fox, Climate Program Manager in our Energy Division, was named to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Local Government Advisory Committee. In her work with the 34-member committee, Sarah will be contributing to environmental health and taking state and local feedback to the federal level.
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 We are a mobile-friendly workplace with a "headquarters and hubs" hybrid office model. Most positions can work from anywhere in Washington. Check out current opportunities at Commerce.