In 2019, we made progress on gun safety reform for the first time in a decade. In 2020, we're going to make sure the NRA never gets to have a say in gun policy again.
To do that, we need to build a movement. Not only do we need to get Trump out of the White House, but we also need to win races up and down the ballot. We need to make sure that we elect leaders who know how to stand up to the NRA and win. Will you do your part by chipping in $20.20 right now so I can keep up the fight for gun reform?
I'm used to taking on the tough fights, especially when the other side is being funded by corrupt special interests with deep pockets. We need to get the NRA out of Washington, and the best way to do that is by working to elect leaders who have made it clear that it's time to end the organization's influence. Will you help fight the NRA by rushing in a donation today?
I'm tired of watching reforms get stalled by groups like the NRA. I hope you'll join me in getting them out of our government for good.