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China is sending interesting signals to the US. Is anyone listening?

By Joergen Oerstroem Moeller on Jan 30, 2023 02:53 am

The key is whether the White House can lose the baggage and take Beijing's leadership shuffles and recent posturing seriously.
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New senator JD Vance leads GOP effort to put Ukraine aid under a microscope

By Blaise Malley on Jan 27, 2023 03:00 am

A letter sent to OMB and signed by 37 lawmakers calls for a 'full accounting' on the billions of dollars approved for Kyiv last year.
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First artillery, then tanks, then warplanes, then what?

By Anatol Lieven on Jan 26, 2023 04:52 pm

The US slow climb up the escalatory ladder in Ukraine appears to be moving a bit faster — without a lot of talk about consequences.
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Concerning the arguments for ‘total defeat’ of Russia

By Anatol Lieven on Jan 26, 2023 03:13 am

They fall apart at the slightest examination, but are dominating the Ukraine discussion nonetheless. Let's take them on, point for point.
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The Global South is reshaping the world order. The US should take notice.

By Connor Echols on Jan 26, 2023 03:00 am

Washington could lose much of its international influence if policymakers don’t change their approach. A Q&A with Aude Darnal.
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Foxes watching the hen house? DC insiders oversee Biden defense plans

By Eli Clifton on Jan 25, 2023 03:00 am

After years at the trough, these govt. contractors are now empowered to judge how billions are spent on a key national security strategy.
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