As a longtime proponent of strong protections for our country's natural beauty and resources, I’m very happy to share that last week, the United States Forest Service (USFS) announced that it has reinstated bans on logging and roadbuilding in the Tongass National Forest.

These measures, which were overturned at the direction of the Trump administration, will protect over 17 million acres of wild backcountry, including the 17,000 miles of free-running rivers and lakes that support around 40 million salmon.

Will you help me continue my work preserving our natural resources by contributing to my campaign today?
After the Trump administration initially stripped away the Tongass protections, I immediately went to work leading bicameral coalitions that sought to restore these measures. I have long been a leading Senate champion of codifying the Roadless Rule, which for two decades shielded almost 60 million acres of some of the most pristine and treasured areas within the National Forest System from roadbuilding and logging across the country, including in the Tongass National Forest.

The salmon runs, recreational appeal, importance to indigenous peoples, and irreplaceable carbon storage the Tongass National Forest currently holds will always be more valuable to our communities than any subsidized logging projects.

If you agree that we need champions in the Senate who will work to preserve our national forests, please make a contribution today:

Thank you,





Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States