Big news. A leader of the House Democratic Women's Caucus chose this significant week to speak out for the first time on the 2020 presidential race:

"Anyone who believes we need a first woman president should think about this as the moment. It is possible, it is achievable, and our chances of defeating Trump will be highest if we have an inspiring female nominee in 2020. #WomenWin #BelieveInWomen - LJF"

If you're on Twitter, can you Retweet Congresswoman Frankel's Tweet? (Congresswomen Deb Halland and Katherine Clark did!) Or share on Facebook!

Then, please sign our petition affirming Frankel's Tweet -- saying now is the moment.

Support Elizabeth Warren? Donate to her campaign here.

After the last week of vitriol and sexism online, it's such a relief to have Rep. Frankel point out the obvious — women voters are the key to 2020.

Here's data showing that the best way to beat Trump is to nominate a bold, inspiring woman who will excite and mobilize women voters. In our opinion, that is Elizabeth Warren.

In 2016, a majority of white women -- 53 percent -- voted for Trump. Among non-college educated white women, 64 percent voted for Trump. [Quartz] Trump’s big 2016 advantage from white women becomes even more apparent when you take into account the fact that only 4 percent of black women voted for him.

There was a seismic shift in the 2018 midterms. Women voters became more Democratic. 49 percent of white women voted for Democrats in the House, while 49 percent voted for Republicans. [Vox] It was a 4 point shift among white women voters from 2016 to 2018.

As a result, 59 percent of women voted Democratic and 40 percent voted Republican in 2018. [The Washington Post] Polling by The Washington Post and Schar School of Policy and Government showed that of the 69 most competitive House seats in the country, women preferred the generic Democratic candidate over the Republican by a 14-point margin. [CNN] Li Zhou concluded of the 2018 election: “Women didn’t just contribute to the blue wave; they fueled it” [Vox].

Remember, too, that women turn out to vote at higher rates than men. [Wikipedia] The best way to win is to win women voters.

Elizabeth Warren has built her campaign around women — offering a compelling women’s economic agenda that includes universal child care, paid leave, and debt-free college. She can speak authentically and candidly about her struggles as a working single mother, as a special education teacher, and as a young law professor. The three co-chairs of her campaign are all women, and she has received endorsements from powerful validators like Black Womxn For and activist and women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe. She is the best candidate to connect with women, and the best contrast to Trump -- donate to her here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

--The PCCC Elections Team

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.

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