Mondays of Meaning

January 30th 2023 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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In this week's edition, I look at why you need to voluntarily face what haunts you. Walter Russell Mead and I cross continents in a broad discussion on world affairs, and I pull from the archives on "What is your life purpose?"

Voluntarily Face What Haunts You

If you have a memory that is older than about eighteen months, and it haunts you and comes up involuntarily, it produces a stress reaction. What does that mean as far as your nervous system is concerned? As far as your body is concerned, that danger has not gone away. And what is happening is an unconscious alarm system that is looking for pitfalls and holes. It is warning you that the map you are using is incomplete in a manner that might enable you to fall into the same hole.

One of the things people can do that is very useful is, if you have memories that plague you, bring them to mind voluntarily – instead of waiting for them to come after you involuntarily – and then to think through what has changed and what might not have. And then come up with a plan so if a similar circumstance arose, you would be in a better position in one way or another to deal with it. There is no other way of getting the memory to go.

Beyond Order 2023 Tour

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Six months ago, Jordan Peterson joined forces with DailyWire+. Since then, he’s released a ton of new shows including: Dragons, Monsters, and Men; Marriage; Logos and Literacy; and the first eight episodes of his sixteen-part series Exodus – the long-awaited follow-up to his Genesis Biblical Series. You will only see this content on DailyWire+. Don’t miss out! Enrich your mind by becoming a member today.

Read His Response

Monday Reflections

"People often say ‘life is meaningless.’ No it is not. That is wrong, because if it was meaningless and easy, you could just sit there and do nothing. If you do not have a lofty ambition, then you suffer miserably." (Share this on Twitter)

"If you are looking to facilitate people's ability to make positive changes in their own life, there is nothing you can do that is more helpful than to make them literate." (Share this on Twitter)

"You could be a lot more than you are. You could be so much more than you are that the boundaries are unimaginable." (Share this on Twitter)

This Week On The Podcast

Israel, Russia, China, Iran: The World in Conflict | Walter Russell Mead | EP 326

Walter Russell Mead and I cross continents in a broad discussion over world affairs and go in-depth on the state of China’s totalitarian regime, Vladimir Putin's plans for the war with Ukraine, the growing unrest under Iran’s iron fist, the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, and how a push for American optimism is necessary to best face these emboldened challengers on the world stage.

From The Archives

Follow These Steps To Have the Adventure of Your Life | Jordan B Peterson

Dr. Peterson:
"It isn't even obvious that we want what's really obvious is that we want an adventure. Right? We want an adventure that is so compelling that it makes the misery of life not just justifiable but worthwhile."

Thank you for reading, 

Dr Jordan B Peterson
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