Friends -
I wanted to reach out once more before the day was over to ask for your support. Please give me a chance to explain why your contribution today is so important.
This morning, I announced that I’m running for re-election.
One of our biggest strategic imperatives right now is to show that our campaign has significant grassroots support. We don’t want to leave any room for Senate Republicans or the gun lobby to think that I’m vulnerable and put this seat in play for 2024. That’s why we’re trying to post a big number right at the start of this campaign.
And unlike a lot of my colleagues, I really try to raise money the right way — 100% from people and not a dime of PAC money. I also limit my time at fundraising events and don’t spend all day calling billionaires to fund my campaign. My job is to focus on the work you elected me to do.
Instead, my campaign relies on lots and lots of grassroots donations from people like you. Every Senate campaign is expensive. There’s no way around it, but doing this the right way makes elected officials and our party more responsive to the people.
If you are with me and agree that this is the way we should run our campaigns, then please consider making a donation of whatever you can afford on day one of my re-election. Whether it’s $3, $6, or more, it makes a difference.
In my first Senate race, we defeated a self-funding billionaire who spent tens of millions of dollars to try and buy this seat. I know that we cannot get complacent or take anything for granted.
Every best wish,
Chris Murphy
CONTRIBUTEPaid for by Friends of Chris Murphy
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