Whether our work is unpaid or underpaid, we work hard to meet our needs and pursue our goals. We all deserve to get the help we need, no matter what.
This session, you have the opportunity to help tens of thousands of Washingtonians access the help they need to meet their most basic needs: housing their families, putting food on the table, finding a pathway out of poverty. Rep. Peterson has put forward HB 1447 to make important improvements to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Specifically, HB 1447 works to:
- Allow families to access help when they need it: Make permanent TANF hardship time limit extensions for all households and eliminate time limits for child-only cases.
Facilitate a path out of poverty for TANF recipients: Tie income limits and cash grants to the Needs Standard and inflation to keep up with the cost of living and smooth the benefits cliff by disregarding 6 months of gross income.
Allow families to build up savings: Expand asset limits for cash assistance programs and waive the value of one car. Give families time to stabilize without losing benefits: Introduce stabilization waivers for families by allowing hardship as an exemption for WorkFirst requirements.
This legislation would not just help families meet their basic needs, but also facilitate a path out of poverty for TANF recipients by giving families the tools they need to seek gainful employment, build up savings, and get back on their feet after experiencing hardship.
Urge your lawmakers to support this critical legislation! |
Rep. Taylor has introduced HB 1652 to ensure that TANF recipients receive 100% of their child support payments. Child support paid by a non-custodial parent should always be used to provide for the children, and not be taken by the state.
Both HB 1447 and HB 1652 have committee hearings this week! Support these much-needed improvements to TANF and help families meet their basic needs by signing in PRO for both bills! |