Democrats appear to again be competing to see who can introduce the worst idea. Shift WA is ready to do our part in making sure the public knows about as many of the Democrats’ terrible bills in 2023.
Shift Washington

The 2023 legislative session is underway! And, like clockwork, the Democrats’ terrible bills are rolling in.

During the last two legislative sessions, Democrats have subjected us to the consequences of their terrible anti-law enforcement bills, an unconstitutional state income tax on capital gains, huge gas tax increases thanks to climate change bills, and the unprecedented explosion in spending that always seems to benefit their biggest campaign donors. As a result, crime rates have skyrocketed, a historic lawsuit is underway, and our state revenue reserves are drained.

Despite their recent mistakes, this year Democrats appear to again be competing to see who can introduce the worst idea. Here are a few of the terrible bills they have introduced:
  • SB 5109: taxpayer-funded unemployment benefits for people illegally in this country
  • SB 5046: taxpayers-funded lawyers for convicted criminals appealing their convictions
  • HB 1389: rent control, to reduce rental properties and drive housing prices even higher
  • HB 1045: Universal Basic Income, or free money with no strings attached!
Beyond these terrible bills, Democrats have introduced various bills to further increase taxes. 

But it’s not just what Democrats have introduced – it’s also what’s Democrats are ignoring. This year, despite past pledges to voters, Democrats are saying they will not take up legislation that would reform our state’s emergency powers laws.

Governor Jay Inslee abused his emergency powers for 975 days. Democrats have no intention of preventing such an abuse from happening again in the future.

Shift WA is ready to do our part in making sure the public knows about as many of the Democrats’ terrible bills in 2023. But we need your continued support.

We are leading the charge to hold Democrats accountable this 2023 legislative session. Our efforts are fully funded by the generous support of our grassroots readers. Will you contribute to our work by donating $50, $25, or even $5 ahead of the 2022 legislative session?

Thank you,

The Shift WA team