Dear John,
With the first month of 2023 already behind us, it’s clear this year is shaping up to be a critically important one for our movement and the planet. Building off the exponential growth in plastic policy action in 2022, we expect to see even more local, state, federal, and international governing bodies taking steps to reduce and eliminate plastic pollution at its source. And historically, this May, the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee will head to Paris for INC-2—the committee’s second meeting to negotiate an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution that will address the full life cycle of plastics, from production to disposal.
This year,
at Plastic Pollution Coalition we are ramping up our campaigns to end plastic pollution and implement real solutions. This includes our advocacy of Filtered Not Bottled water distribution during U.S. lead pipe replacement projects, providing a pathway to equitable and nontoxic
solutions for lead-impacted communities, providing resources to federal and local elected officials, and building public awareness about the hazardous pollution and injustice plastic causes. Additionally, our Flip the Script on Plastics initiative continues to gain momentum; we just launched a campaign celebrating the Oscars’ 95th anniversary, featuring winners and nominees that pass the Begley-Cohen Test—meaning no single-use plastic is shown on screen, or it is portrayed as problematic.
We continue to educate, connect, and advocate for a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution, and encourage you to get involved! On February, 16, 2023, join us for a special webinar: Plastic-Free Pet Care: Safeguarding the Health of Our Furry Friends. We have invited experts to discuss the health hazards linked to plastic in pet care products, tips for finding plastic-free alternatives, and how we can all reduce the plastic footprint of caring for our animal friends.
Onward together! 
Julia Cohen, MPH Co-Founder & Managing Director Plastic Pollution Coalition
P.S. We are ramping up our operations in 2023 and need your support. Please consider making a charitable donation to help us continue our work, and share our job openings. Your support is the driving force behind our every win! |