As You Sow
The nation's leading non-profit shareholder advocate, changing corporations for good
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Dear John,
Shareholder Democracy is Under Attack
The SEC is proposing rules that will sharply restrict shareholders’ right to file resolutions with companies. Resolutions are one of the strongest, most effective ways to improve companies’ environmental, social, and governance practices.
Your Voice Is Critically Needed – Comments open through Feb 3
We can stop the SEC’s power grab. Please make your voice heard today. The most effective way is to send the SEC an email. We’ve set up a petition site ([link removed]) to make it easy. You can customize the standard letter and hit “send,” and add your name to the petition opposing these counterproductive, undemocratic rules.
SEC Trying to Limit Shareholder Voices
The SEC’s proposed rules will sabotage investors' rights to express their views to companies through shareholder resolutions. The new rules will dramatically limit who is allowed to file resolutions. They will make it difficult to refile innovative resolutions. They could severely restrict resolutions filed by shareholders’ representatives, such as As You Sow and others.
This is a blatant attempt to insulate companies from accountability to their own shareholders. We cannot allow the SEC to silence shareholders. We cannot allow the SEC to cripple a process that has worked well for half a century.
Send Your Comment Letter today – DUE BY FEB 3
Please send a comment letter today: [link removed]
For a just and sustainable future for ALL,
Andrew Behar
Chief Executive Officer
For more details see SEC summary of new rules – courtesy of US SIF: [link removed]
DONATE TODAY: [link removed]
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As You Sow
2150 Kittredge St
Suite 450
Berkeley, CA 94704
Mailing address:
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PO Box 751
Berkeley, CA 94701
DISCLAIMER: As You Sow is not an investment advisor, nor do we provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. The content of our programming, publications and presentations is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as information sufficient upon which to base any decisions on investing, purchases, sales, trades, or any other investment transactions. We do not express an opinion on the future or expected value of any security or other interest and do not explicitly or implicitly recommend or suggest an investment strategy of any kind.
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