
A lot of elected officials spend all day dialing for dollars and trying to keep their big donors happy.

That’s just not for me.

I first ran for office because I didn’t see anybody looking out for dirt farmers like me. I ran to hold our elected leaders accountable, to make sure our government works for people -- not big corporations or PACs who cut big campaign checks.

But let me tell you, that’s exactly who Trump and McConnell’s Washington works for. And the big corporations and dark money PACs will spend whatever it takes to preserve their tax handouts and keep their unchecked power in Washington.

If we want to defeat them -- and make sure Washington works for people again -- we have to fight back right now.

That’s why I’m asking: Can you pitch in before tomorrow’s July fundraising deadline? Anything you can do will make a difference:

Donate now

Thanks for being alongside me in this fight.

— Jon