For More Information: 01/30/2023 11:12 AM EST
AUGUSTA - The Maine Department of Transportation has received a final determination from the Federal Highway Administration that allows MaineDOT to replace the Frank J. Wood Bridge between Topsham and Brunswick.
This finding comes after a years-long, exhaustive federal regulatory and legal process. That process has confirmed MaineDOT's original conclusion that the safety, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of replacing the bridge is the best solution. MaineDOT will advertise the bridge replacement project for construction bids on Wednesday, February 1st. Bids are expected to be accepted for a period of four weeks. MaineDOT plans to award the construction contract soon thereafter. On-site work is expected to begin in the late spring. Once complete, the Towns of Brunswick and Topsham will be connected by a reliable new bridge, located on a curved upstream alignment, that will feature enhancements requested by a local design advisory committee. Designed to last for at least 100 years, the new bridge will have sidewalks on both sides (including pedestrian viewing bump-outs), wider shoulders on both sides, parks on both ends, special railings, lighting and other design details, and unobstructed views of the natural and architectural features of the surrounding Pejepscot Falls site. The current Frank J. Wood Bridge originally constructed in 1931 is now more than 90 years old. MaineDOT began the process to improve this crossing in 2014. The bridge is fracture critical and rated in poor condition. Recent inspections of the bridge have showed severe section loss and aggressive deterioration. In November 2021, MaineDOT had to prohibit all commercial vehicles from using the current bridge. Although no further traffic restrictions are imminent, MaineDOT will continue to closely monitor the bridge and take additional steps, if necessary, to protect public safety. Because of its condition, the bridge is inspected twice a year. Bridges are normally inspected once every two years. The last inspection occurred in October 2022. In 2017, a preliminary estimated construction cost of a new bridge to replace the Frank J. Wood Bridge was $13 million. Due to the legal and process delays and a concurrent market increase in construction costs, the new bridge is now expected to cost multiple times this preliminary estimate, as would the cost of other alternatives considered including rehabilitation. "Its been a long process, but we look forward to delivering the new bridge to better connect these two communities and the travelers of Maine," said MaineDOT Commissioner Bruce Van Note. "It will be safe, reliable, and serve all users well, including motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists." ###