Ugh. Mondays are never great, team. But they’re especially bad when we have to tell Jon in our Monday morning meeting that we’re behind where we should be on our first end-of-month fundraising goal of the year. 😬

But, like the great boss he is, Jon wasn’t angry or disappointed. He was resolved. He said, “I know my team, and I know they’ll come through for me just like they always have. Just be honest with them about where we’re at, and explain to them why it’s so important.”

So that’s what we’re doing: brutal honesty. We need to raise another $4,874 before tomorrow at midnight to hit this goal. It may sound like a lot, but if every single one of you reading this email chipped in just a few bucks, we could get there in no time. 

The truth is, we know that’s not going to happen. It would be unreasonable to expect each of you grassroots folks to chip in to every email we send — we get that!

Just reading these emails and chipping in when you can, if you can, is enough for us. If you pitch in today, maybe Anne in Bozeman pitches in tomorrow. And maybe Ryan in Butte pitches in the next day. That’s what makes grassroots teams so powerful — we’re stronger when we work together.

It’s important we hit this first goal because we have a long, hard election cycle ahead of us. Senate Democrats are going to be on defense all over the country, including here in Montana, and we can’t start coming up short on fundraising goals this early in the cycle. We’d basically be giving Republicans a head start to taking back the Senate majority. 

So we’re humbly asking you to pitch in ahead of tomorrow’s deadline, if you’re able. That way we can head into our next meeting with Jon and tell him he was right (he almost always is!) and his team came through for him once again.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks, team. 

— Team Tester