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Labor Reform in Mexico: Challenges as Key Deadline Approaches

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
10:30 a.m., EST

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As part of the labor reform process in Mexico, all collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) in force before May 1, 2019, must undergo a direct and secret vote by workers covered by the agreement. The deadline to comply with this requirement is May 2, 2023.

Through November 2022, only 8,448 of more than 500,000 CBAs that exist in the country have been subject to the process--less than 2 percent. 

Join us for a dialogue about lessons learned and recommendations for making progress toward compliance with the legitimization process. 

With the participation of:

  • Alfredo Domínguez Marrufo, Director General, Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registration, Mexico
  • Luis Pablo Solorio, U.S. Lead Labor Attaché to Mexico
  • José Carlos Bazán, Canada Lead Labor Attaché to Mexico
  • Daniel Rangel, Research Director, Rethink Trade
  • Mery Laura Perdomo Ospina, Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
  • Imelda Jiménez, Secretary of Political Affairs, National Union of Miners, Metalworkers, Steelworkers and Allied Trades of the Mexican Republic
  • Ma. Felix Hernández Mariscal, Secretary General, Mexican Workers Union League local at 3M Purification
  • Benjamin Davis, Director of International Affairs, United Steelworkers
  • Joaquín Guzmán Ángel, Secretary General, Saint Gobain Independent Union of Free and Democratic Workers
  • Alejandra Morales Reynoso, Secretary General, National Independent Union of Workers of the Automotive Industry, SINTTIA

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