Dive Into Democracy is Waterkeeper Alliance’s roundup of current attacks on America’s clean water protections and how to take action.
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Dear Friend, 

The quickest and most cost effective way to slow the rate of climate change and protect our waterways is to cut methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. 

The proposed rules from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to cut methane emissions are a great start. However, they can go even further in protecting American communities and waterways from the damages of climate change driven by methane emissions. 

Will you join us in leaving comments with EPA urging them to adopt the strongest possible methane safeguards?.

Specifically, EPA must do more to ensure that:

  • Operators at wells capture associated gas and limit flaring of that gas in instances in which it is necessary for safety or maintenance reasons;

  • Strengthen the standards to address emissions from storage tanks by making the standards applicable to more tanks; and 

  • Provide a clear pathway for participation in the Super Emitter Response Program by ensuring communities and citizens can access data and technologies to help reduce methane and other pollutants in the areas where we live and work. 

Reducing methane emissions would also greatly benefit frontline communities, including many Tribes, which bear the burden of this pollution and its impacts on their water supplies. Anything less is a missed opportunity that will accelerate this crisis, and present dire consequences for the health of our families, our communities, our waterways, and the future of our planet. 

Join us in urging EPA to protect American communities from the ravages of methane emissions and climate change. Leave your comment today! 

Thank you for raising your voice in favor of clean water and healthy communities.

With thanks,

Thomas Hynes
Staff Writer

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Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with Top-Rated status on Charity Watch, a Four Star Charity rating from Charity Navigator, and Platinum Participant status on GuideStar.