
January 30, 2023

Dear John:


Last week, I voted to hold the Biden Administration accountable and strengthen our national security through the Strategic Production Response Act.


The Biden Administration's policies have drawn down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to its lowest levels since 1984, with no plan to replenish it. And because our pipelines and refineries were operating at maximum utilization at the time, the releases did not help bring down U.S. gas prices. Rather, they went to the global market, and often ended up in China.


The SPR is intended to be used in emergencies only, and with this level of depletion, the U.S. economy and national security are at risk.


Last week, under a Republican majority, the House voted to not only replenish it, but also protect it from misuse. The Strategic Production Response Act would require the Executive Branch to replenish and maintain the SPR in non-emergency circumstances to ensure we are prepared for a true energy emergency. 


This legislation only impacts non-emergency drawdowns of the SPR. If the president declares an emergency resulting from a severe energy supply interruption, the Energy Secretary has full authority to utilize the SPR. It is only in case of a non-emergency drawdown, like what we have seen over the last year, that a plan must be developed to increase federal lands available to make up for the amount drawn. 


Ways & Means Subcommittee Assignments

I am excited to say that I have been selected for the Trade Subcommittee and the Oversight Subcommittee on the Ways & Means Committee. On the Trade Subcommittee, I'm eager to bring the voice of rural Minnesota to Washington, especially for our ag and industrial communities as we work to improve market access and export opportunities. The Oversight Subcommittee is going to be a vital tool for holding the Biden Administration accountable. We need to make sure the government is working for the hard-working American people and not against them.

On Reappointment to the Rules Committee

I am honored to have been reappointed to the House Committee on Rules. I'm looking forward to continuing to serve on Congress' oldest standing committee and I'm eager to continue advocating for rural Minnesota.

Originally formed in 1789, the Rules Committee is responsible for determining the means by which the House considers legislation, as well as the chamber's rules. I was the only Republican Freshman appointed to the committee in the 117th Congress.



I had a nice meeting with American Public Education their policy priorities and about how their nursing-focused programs can help the nursing shortage across Minnesota, particularly in the rural areas.

Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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