Hi there, John,
Looking to escape the doldrums of winter with a warm, comforting dish to uplift your spirits this week? You're in luck!
I wanted to share this special story and delicious Syrian recipe for Harak Osbao, a.k.a. 'Burnt Fingers,' exclusively with our most special supporters like you. The recipe comes from Rodain, a resettled refugee from Syria who now lives in Phoenix. You can hear her story and see how she makes
it here:
This filling — and vegan — dish begins with boiling pasta (traditional versions included small chunks of dough instead) and lentils together. The pasta and lentils are flavored by Tamarind sauce which can be a bit sour, so it is balanced by sweet pomegranate molasses.
For Rodain, who learned how to make Harak Osbao from her mother, preparing traditional meals helps her feel connected to her family back in Syria, even though they now live thousands of miles apart.
You can watch and learn how to create this meal for your own family and loved ones here.
John, supporting the IRC helps people like Rodain, who are trying to rebuild their lives. Thank you for being with us, and we hope you enjoy this special recipe.
Take care,
— Hank
Hank Walter
Senior Officer, Supporter Communications
International Rescue Committee