News from Representative Darin LaHood

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Dear John,

Combatting threats from the CCP

I am honored to be appointed by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to the House Select Committee on China.

The Chinese Communist Party presents generational challenges that impact the American economy, our workforce, technology and innovation, and military and national security. Now more than ever, Congress must work in a bipartisan way to strengthen American economic competitiveness, bolster and secure our supply chains, promote our trade interests and leadership in the Indo-Pacific, modernize our technology, and protect our national and cyber security against China. I look forward to working under Chairman Gallagher's leadership with members of both parties to substantively address these significant challenges.

Read more: LaHood Appointed to House Select Committee on China

Chairing a Ways and Means Subcommittee

It is an honor to serve as the Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Work and Welfare in the 118th Congress. On the Work and Welfare Subcommittee, we will work to strengthen child and family care, ensure an effective and accountable use of taxpayer money, and address the rampant COVID-era unemployment fraud. The Ways and Means Committee will play a key role in this Congress, working to get our economy back on track, bolstering trade opportunities for Illinois ag producers, expanding access to rural health care, building off the successes of TCJA, and reducing inflation. I look forward to working with Chairman Jason Smith and my Ways and Means colleagues to address the kitchen table issues that Americans sent a Republican majority to Washington to fix.

Read more: LaHood Named Chairman of Ways and Means Subcommittee on Work and Welfare

Addressing the mishandling of classified information

This week, I announced my intentions to introduce legislation to implement stronger enforcement for mishandling of classified documents. Any individual who handles classified material or documents is made aware of the safeguards, responsibility, and importance of protecting highly sensitive information, whether it’s high ranking government officials, Intelligence Committee members, or military officers. As a former state and federal prosecutor, I believe it has become clear that there must be review, reform, and clearer penalties for individuals who mishandle classified information. I am committed to working with my colleague, Congressman Mike Quigley on the House Intelligence Committee, to address this important issue moving forward.

Read more: New York Times: Mishandling of Classified Information Has Congress Asking Questions

Listen: WLDS: Darin Lahood-16th district Congressman on classified documents

Visiting with 16th District Constituents


Thank you to Becky Weber of Metamora for stopping by the office during her visit to Washington, DC. I appreciate all of Becky’s work as a national officer for the General Federation of Women’s Club, supporting community improvement and volunteer efforts in central Illinois.


Enjoyed visiting with Monsignor Jeff Laible, the Vicar General for the Archdiocese for the Military Services. Raised in Washburn, IL, Msg. Liable served the Diocese of Peoria for 30+ years and in the Illinois Air National Guard doing 5 tours overseas. I appreciate his service to our country and faith leadership.


Thanks to Hans, Brandon, and Faith with the Community Development and Planning Office in McHenry County for meeting with me during their trip to Washington. I look forward to working with them to support and improve economic development and housing in McHenry County.

As always, thanks for subscribing to my newsletter! 


Darin LaHood
Member of Congress

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