Hey John,
When I talk about fighting back against Kevin McCarthy, it hits really close to home. That’s because he represents the district right by mine - we’re literally neighbors.
So for me, this isn’t just about a national threat - it’s also about keeping extremism away from my hometown! Standing up to McCarthy’s extremism is genuinely personal for me and my community. It’s not who we are here in California.
If you want to help me continue standing up to Kevin McCarthy, I hope you’ll donate as much as you can to reach my $10,000 end-of-month fundraising goal!
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It’s really shameful that Kevin McCarthy has emboldened extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene while kicking real patriots like Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff off their committees.
In all the chaos he’s created, he’s totally forgotten about us here in California. Though I guess I can’t be overly shocked by that...
I mean, how is letting the extremists run the show going to help create jobs or lower healthcare costs?
I’m building grassroots resistance here at home to make sure Kevin McCarthy knows we’re watching and he will pay the price for leaving us behind.
Donate now to help me keep pushing back and spreading our message across the country!
- Josh