We need to raise at least £4,000 towards the costs of the conference, including covering speakers’ travel, visas and accommodation. We also want to produce resources like podcasts so we can share some of the footage with supporters and the general public after the event. A donation from you would count for a lot because the majority of our funding comes from individual supporters.
People like you and me are working for a more just world that respects people and the environment. At Global Justice Now we build and maintain links between social justice movements in the global north and south. Your donation would help strengthen our connections in the fight to change monopoly capitalism.
We’ve already seen decades of destruction and privatisation by ‘market knows best’ politics. And monopoly capitalism is taking this even further. Yet big business and the structures it uses are only as powerful as we allow.
The tide is starting to turn against extreme corporate domination, with some politicians talking about taxing, regulating, breaking up and even taking over these giants. By running events like this conference, we can get more people on board to stand with us, and you can help make this happen.
Thank you for everything you do to take our campaigns further.
In solidarity,
James O’Nions
Head of activism