We sent a letter to Congress calling for an investigation into special treatment given to the justices during the Dobbs leak probe. 


Just a week ago the Supreme Court released the results of its investigation into the leaked draft Dobbs opinion — and to no one’s surprise, it looks like a total sham.


This so called report outlined the measures the Court took to find the leaker: Lengthy interviews, requests for phone records, requiring clerks and members of staff to sign sworn affidavits — but notably, the report failed to include that the justices themselves weren’t held to this same scrutiny, a troubling revelation given some of the justices’ (and their spouses') histories of ethical misconduct.


The final report into the Dobbs leak also failed to identify the individual who actually leaked the draft opinion.


The Court’s report raised more questions than it answered — that's why yesterday, we sent a letter to Congress calling on the House & Senate Judiciary Committees to investigate special treatment given to the justices during the course of this investigation. 


The Court has proven time and again that it is incapable of policing itself — as such, it falls to Congress to step up to its role as a coequal branch and provide the oversight that is so sorely lacking. Will you co-sign our letter calling on Congress to do its job and hold this corrupt institution to account?

The more people co-sign our letter, the more public pressure we can generate on this stolen and illegitimate Court.


Thank you for your commitment to this fight, 


Sarah Lipton-Lubet

President, Take Back the Court Action Fund