New PLF documentary, Trust Us, reveals government’s ‘expert’ problem


For nearly every aspect of American life—the food you eat, the house you live in, the way you raise your kids—there is an expert in the federal government who thinks you’re doing it wrong.  

In Trust Us, a new documentary from Pacific Legal Foundation, you’ll see how the U.S. federal government has funneled power to unelected experts who believe they can engineer solutions to all of the country’s problems, with often-disastrous results for the American people.  

Trust Us is now available to watch free on YouTube.

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Trust Us is also available on Tubi, and commercial-free on Amazon.

The Hill: National Merit award scandal is the latest chapter in TJ’s war on achievement


Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) is in hot water with parents again.

Erin Wilcox describes how administrators used “equity” to justify withholding critical award information from students that may impact the trajectory of their academic futures.

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High school harpists are not criminals


Colorado high school sophomore Taryn Petruncola has played the harp since she was six years old. Aside from the joy that playing the harp brings Taryn, she also enjoys helping others.

Taryn has started her own business, Soothing Strings, offering her talent as a form of music therapy to senior living homes and families with loved ones in hospice and hospitals.

Unfortunately, not all Coloradans are impressed, explains Caleb Trotter. Some might even consider Taryn a criminal.

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