Good afternoon friend,
Thank you - THANK YOU - to everyone who responded to the parliamentary consultation. It’s been a busy few weeks and I so appreciate you playing your part. This is an important battle - and one that we must win.
Will you join Dignity in Dying as a member and make sure that we can sustain bold, high-impact campaigning throughout the inquiry?
The Select Committee process is just the beginning - it's going to take a lot of careful campaigning to ensure that the Committee listens to dying people throughout the inquiry. We need to defend against opponent lobbying in the media and behind the scenes.
Wherever assisted dying is legal an inquiry has been a key milestone on the road to law change. There are challenges unique to this Parliament, unique to the makeup of this Committee that need careful navigation. But with you on our side I’m confident we can rise to those challenges.
The road to law change is well established for this tried and tested law. We are well on our way but we need every person who supports this landmark reform to stand with us. Please, join Dignity in Dying and be on the team that changes the law.
Together we will change the law.
All best wishes,

Sadie Kempner
Dignity in Dying
P.S. On a personal note, today is my last day working at Dignity in Dying and so this is the last email you’ll receive from me. It’s been an absolute honour to be a small part of this historic fight for law change. Thank you for every email you sent, penny you donated, and for being part of this movement. Keep up the great work!