Insights on organizational learning. Trending on CONNECT. Weekly Reads.
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** Insights on Organizational Learning
PEAK’s Insights program is primed to focus on our Learn, Share, Evolve Principle in 2023. To set the stage for the year, here’s a sampling of the insights PEAK and your sector peers have shared about how they strategically build and share knowledge—from how to wield data as an impact storytelling tool and making your nonprofit partners deeply valued thought partners to how to instill learning cultures within your organization.
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Join this week’s trending conversations:
* Visually organizing pending grants ([link removed])
* Budgeting approaches that address market volatility ([link removed])
* Best practices for end-of-grant-term template ([link removed])
Help a colleague! Do you have advice to share on the following topics?
* Withdrawing naming rights ([link removed])
* Conditions for charitable sponsorships ([link removed])
* Including letters with award payments ([link removed])
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** Upcoming
February 13
PEAK Accountability and Action for Allies Caucus Meeting ([link removed])
February 16
Monthly Coffee Hour (PEAK Pacific Northwest) ([link removed])
February 24
PEAK Intermediaries Affinity Group Meeting ([link removed])
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** Weekly Reads
We are excited to share Building Movement Project (BMP)’s newest installment in our Movement Infrastructure Series called Funding Movement Infrastructure ([link removed]) . The brief draws upon our ongoing work to encourage philanthropic institutions to support social movements. In this latest offering, we identify several barriers that arise for funders seeking to invest in social movements, and provide ideas to address them.
“[In studying 21 US nonprofits that received large, unrestricted grants in 2017], we did not see signs of a 'lottery curse.' The nonprofits we studied did not buckle under the weight of large, unrestricted grants. To the contrary, they strengthened their organizations and leadership ranks, and they stewarded the funds with strategic rigor.” [more] ([link removed])
Kathleen Fleming, Anthony Michael Abril, and Jeff Bradach, The Bridgespan Group, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy
“In the future of philanthropy there will be a clear understanding that healthy, balanced nonprofit (and foundation) leaders are able to create better outcomes for communities. Foundations will invest in long-term relationships with nonprofit leaders so that grantees trust that they can take risks and make big bets.” [more] ([link removed])
Trista Harris, FutureGood
“The participatory model transfers the power of grantmaking from professional grantmakers or wealthy donors, who typically are not deeply tied to the communities receiving funding, to residents who have experienced firsthand the challenges grant funding is meant to address. It also tackles blind spots and biases created by the huge racial gap in foundation staff.” [more] ([link removed])
Dr. Jocelynne Rainey, Brooklyn Community Foundation, for Candid
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