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The GOP’s Worst-Case Scenario

Kurt Schlichter

It’s Time for the National Archives to Answer Some Questions

Spencer Brown

Pope Francis Isn't Wrong on This One

Larry O'Connor

The Real Differences Between the Biden and Trump Document Troves

Victor Davis Hanson

Newsweek Breaks News With Zero Evidence

Brad Slager

Progressivism Versus Popular Sovereignty

Josh Hammer

An Inconvenient Truth for Environmentalists: Offshore Wind Endangers Whales

Gabriella Hoffman

Tracking Hunter Biden's Aid to Other Dissolute Bidens

Tim Graham

Vladimir Lenin and the American Left

Mark Lewis

Here Is Marjorie Taylor Greene's 2024 Plan. It Involves Trump.

Matt Vespa

More Than Half of Democrats Question Biden's Mental Fitness

Sarah Arnold

Hunter Biden's Art Dealer Calls His Work 'One of the Most Consequential Artists In This Century'

Sarah Arnold

Omar, Swalwell and Schiff Blame Their Committee Removal On Trying to Hold Trump 'Accountable'

Sarah Arnold

National Archives Urges Former Presidents and VP's To Come Forth With Classified Documents They May Have

Sarah Arnold

One Country Will Block Illegal Immigrants From Accessing Bank Accounts, Home Rentals

Madeline Leesman

Mike Pompeo Accuses Ousted Schiff of Leaking Classified Information

Sarah Arnold

How Much Destruction Are Americans Willing to Take?

Laura Hollis

Why Would Republicans Rule Out Social Security and Medicare Reform?

Veronique de Rugy

Ukraine Demonstrates War Reserve Stockpiles Are Vital

Austin Bay

The AAP Recommends Drugs and Surgery for Obese Kids — That's a Bad Idea

Young Voices Contributors

A Quiet Existence

Erick Erickson

The Texas GOP Won Big, the RNC Failed to Deliver

Matt Rinaldi

'They’re Back' – Big Tech Money Working to Again Influence Elections

Bob Barr

Iran’s Revolution Will Bring About a Secular Democracy

Seena Saiedian

A Narrowing of the Deep State’s Options Should be a Warning to Donald J. Trump

Cliff Nichols

Is Biden the First President to Mishandle Classified Documents While In Office?

Gary Franks

California Teacher Helps Students ‘Socially’ Transition Genders Without Parents’ Knowledge

Madeline Leesman

Column Dismisses Violent Pro-Abortion Extremism As Pro-Lifers Face Surge of Attacks

Rebecca Downs

Don Lemon Claims Florida Is Returning to 1950's Jim Crow

Julio Rosas

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
ATF website offers incorrect guidance on NFA compliance |
African reporter demands gun control during White House briefing |
VP Harris wants Congress to enact tougher gun laws |
Is tribalism preventing answers to mass shootings? |
Sun-Times snowflakes offended by challenge to IL gun ban |
Understanding the reality of California's violence problem |