Hi John,

Last weekend marked the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic Roe v. Wade decision, which afforded women the right to privacy at the federal level when making decisions about their health. Freedom is the very foundation of our United States, and, like most Americans, I believe the promises of freedom and privacy extend to women as they make deeply personal decisions about their own bodies. I remain incredibly concerned about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last year. So, I want to hear from you, John:

Democracy for All

We just witnessed the most expensive midterm election cycle in our nation’s history, proving what we already know: it is long past time to eliminate the corrupting influence of special interest money in our politics. I am disgusted by the many ways in which money has corrupted our political process and threatened our democracy. We must take bold action, or we will be unable to address our country’s greatest challenges.

Cosponsoring the Democracy for All Amendment was one of the first legislative actions I took after being sworn in four years ago, and now I’m proud to co-lead this legislation in the 118th Congress. The Democracy for All Amendment would amend the Constitution, giving states and Congress the ability to regulate how campaigns are financed. This amendment would overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, which opened American elections up to a flood of unlimited, anonymous spending by special interest groups and wealthy individuals. Ratifying this amendment is a necessary step to reduce the influence of affluence in our politics in order to empower the American people.

Debt Ceiling

For more than eighty years, Congress has set limits for the level of debt the U.S. can accrue. While we have never faced a default caused by Congressional inaction, the U.S. did see its credit rating downgraded in 2011 following brinksmanship over the debt ceiling debate. Let me be clear: I believe defaulting on our debt would have unimaginable consequences. We need a short-term, clean increase in the debt ceiling followed by a comprehensive, good-faith, bipartisan review of all federal spending. The current pattern is irresponsible and unsustainable.

As a Member of Congress, I have a responsibility to make sure we bring down our debt and address inflation, which eats away at wage gains and retirement savings. This means tackling inflation by passing a balanced budget and ensuring that major pieces of legislation don’t add to the deficit, in combination with action to address the immediate causes of high prices. According to the Treasury Department, the debt ceiling will be breached in June unless the House and Senate can agree to get our nation’s fiscal house in order. Conservatism in its genuine form honors financial obligations, and I am disappointed by the political gamesmanship on this subject – let’s govern, not gripe!

Working Together

The truth is, division, discord, and distrust are challenging our nation and our democracy itself. Changing that will require all of us – Democrats, Republicans, and independents – to work together. You can make a meaningful difference by simply initiating conversation with people who think, worship, or vote differently than you do – and by demanding that elected officials lead by example. Recently, I discussed the importance of listening and learning to one another and working across the aisle with Brooklyn Eisenpeter, Editor in Chief of the Orono Senior High Spartan Speaks student newspaper. I left the conversation feeling optimistic about the future ahead and inspired by extraordinary young people like her! Click here for more on our conversation.

You're Invited: Virtual Office Hours

As your representative in Congress, I have made providing best-in-class constituent services a top priority. More than anything, that means helping you navigate federal agencies whenever you need our assistance. Whether it’s related to a passport or visa application, Social Security or veterans benefits, or anything else, my team and I want to help.   

My staff is holding virtual office hours to provide the assistance you need from the comfort of your own home. Pre-register here to ensure my staff has the information they need to best assist you. Here are the details:

Virtual Office Hours

Thursday, February 2, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Zoom (link to be provided upon registration)

If you cannot attend but need assistance with a federal agency, my outstanding team of constituent advocates will review your case and work with you to try to resolve your problem, whatever it might be. If you have open casework with our office, please give us a call at 952-656-5176 for an update on your case. In addition to regular mobile and virtual office hours, my team is available to help you online, by phone or in person at our Minnetonka office Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM.  

Keep in touch, and keep the faith,

Dean Phillips

Member of Congress


                                          Bill of the Week

✔️ The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act

The BWCA is one of Minnesota’s natural treasures and is the nation’s most visited wilderness area. For more than 100 years, the BWCA has been protected by both the U.S. government and the State of Minnesota, and it is intact today because of these protections. That's why I'm a proud cosponsor of the Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act, which protects the BWCA by permanently removing roughly 234,000 acres of federal wilderness lands and waters from risky sulfide-ore copper mining. 


                                          Resources For You 

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  • Congressional Essay Competition: Minnesota high school students passionate about writing are encouraged to apply by February 6th. More information can be found here.
  • Apply for internships: Applications for summer internships in my Minnesota and Washington, D.C. offices are open now! It’s an exciting time to work in Congress, so click here to learn more and apply by April 8th.
  • Become a blood donor: The American Red Cross is facing its worst blood shortage in over a decade. Visit https://www.redcrossblood.org/ to make an appointment, check your eligibility, and learn more about the process.
  • Look before you book: Do you have international travel plans on the horizon? Make sure you are prepared before you book! Visit https://travel.state.gov/ to check your passport expiration date, apply for a passport, and much more.
  • Find help with utility bills this winter: Minnesota's Energy Assistance program helps pay for home heating and water costs and furnace repairs for income-qualified households. Click here to learn more and apply today. 
  • Keep Minnesota safe and open for business: Keep yourself, and those around you, safe by getting tested if you’re feeling sick or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Every home in the U.S. is now eligible to order four free at-⁠home rapid by visiting www.covidtests.gov/. You can also find other testing options at mn.gov/covid.
  • Get your FDA-approved vaccine: Your decision to get a safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccine impacts our entire community. Everyone 5+ is eligible, so visit mn.gov/covid to find yours.

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Washington, DC Office
2452 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2871
Minnetonka Office
13911 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 200
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Phone: (952) 656-5176